sábado, 9 de julio de 2016

Red Riding Hood & Portrais

Red Riding Hood (Japanese version)

{ENG} Props and Characters for a little theatre that I made.
This is my Japanese version for this tale.
Also I built a model and put all together was amazing. I am going to try to upload the pictures of the construction.
( I know that the girl is on her hair, but it was to make easier the toy to play)

{ESP} Props y Personajes para un teatrillo.
Es mi versión japonesa del cuento, además construí un modelo y puesto todo junto quedaba impresionante, intentaré subir las fotos de la construcción.

The Spring Team

{ENG} A present for my work friends and team!
Do you like this kind of portraits ?

{ESP} Un regalo para mis amigos y compañeros del curro.
Te gustan esta clase de retratos?

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